Fluffy originally came into being in 2007, as Jo’s imagined side kick, to ride the good and tough times with.  During lockdown, as Jo’s world shrunk, their escapades started up again. What started as light relief became a series of painted diary entries posted on social media as a way to connect and share her experience. Through Fluffy we are presented with an alternative narrative; a timeline of a collective experience, observing the small things in life that give comfort and frustrate us. 

I started to follow Fluffy on Instagram during lockdown and when I suggested exhibiting the work, Jo replied “Fluffy would be delighted, it would be his first solo show you know!”. As we anticipate a second lockdown it seems timely to be exhibiting Fluffy’s adventures.

Jo works as a painter and graphic artist.  Jo studied at Byam Shaw School of Art, Camberwell School of Art and Goldsmiths and exhibits her paintings widely and has work in public collections.  Design and illustration projects have included working for Greenpeace, Worldwide Fund for Nature, Television Trust for the Environment, Oxford University Press, Channel Four and BBC World.

Jo Lamb

The Return of Fluffy

Exhibition 28th Oct - 5th Dec 2020


Hello Marine: Oh So Still 12 Dec - 23 Jan 2021


Group Exhibition: Tree of Life 27 Sept - 18 Oct 2020